Story Nerd

The Social Network: pacing, pacing, pacing

Episode Summary

It's a brand new season and this time Melanie is studying character arcs through 5 key questions: Where do the characters start, where do they finish, what do they want, what decisions do they make along the way that get them to the end, and do they get what they want or need? Meanwhile, I do a deep dive into exposition. You've heard about "show, don't tell" right? Well, that's not always true. Sometimes telling your reader information through exposition is exactly the thing you need to do. -V.

Episode Notes

It's a brand new season and this time Melanie is studying character arcs through 5 key questions: Where do the characters start, where do they finish, what do they want, what decisions do they make along the way that get them to the end, and do they get what they want or need?

Meanwhile, I do a deep dive into exposition. You've heard about "show, don't tell" right? Well, that's not always true. Sometimes telling your reader information through exposition is exactly the thing you need to do. -V.

"When exposition is done properly, you as the audience member or the reader, you don't even notice it." -Valerie Francis