Story Nerd

The Good Liar: surprise v twist

Episode Summary

The movie had both me and Valerie on the edge of our seats. When we come across a masterful movie we pull out as much as we can for you. This episode is chock-a-block full of info about point of view, narrative drive, clues, and liars. We also examine how the twist in The Good Liar is set up and pulled off. I continue to track the clues and motives this week...or should we say I track the lies. Valerie discusses how point of view and narrative drive work together to create this exciting thriller. If you're building up to your twisty ending, this episode will have you speedwriting to get to the big reveal. -M

Episode Notes

The movie had both me and Valerie on the edge of our seats. When we come across a masterful movie we pull out as much as we can for you. This episode is chock-a-block full of info about point of view, narrative drive, clues, and liars. We also examine how the twist in The Good Liar is set up and pulled off. I continue to track the clues and motives this week...or should we say I track the lies. Valerie discusses how point of view and narrative drive work together to create this exciting thriller.

If you're building up to your twisty ending, this episode will have you speedwriting to get to the big reveal. -M

"When the whole meaning of a movie or a story changes, because of a vital piece of information REVEALED AT THE END then this is a device called a twist." - Melanie Hill

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