Story Nerd

NYAD: writing unlikeable characters

Episode Summary

Your reader doesn't have to like the protagonist but she does have to empathize with him because if empathy is absent, your story is in trouble. In this episode Melanie and I study conflict triangles and narrative drive, but we also have an interesting side conversation about empathy and likeability. If you're writing an unlikeable character, or if you're writing a quiet, character-driven story, this episode is for you. -V

Episode Notes

Your reader doesn't have to like the protagonist but she does have to empathize with him because if empathy is absent, your story is in trouble. In this episode Melanie and I study conflict triangles and narrative drive, but we also have an interesting side conversation about empathy and likeability. If you're writing an unlikeable character, or if you're writing a quiet, character-driven story, this episode is for you. -V

"The protagonist does not have to be likable, but you've got to be careful that you don't place the reader's empathy on another character." - Valerie Francis