Story Nerd

Nanowrimo: how to win

Episode Summary

Nanowrimo starts tomorrow and if you're going to win, you've got to have a strategy. It's no small task to write an entire draft of a novel in thirty days! Luckily, in this bonus episode Valerie is here with three proven strategies that to help you do just that. You don't need to follow all three, just pick one that works and go for it. Good luck!

Episode Notes

Nanowrimo starts tomorrow and if you're going to win, you've got to have a strategy. It's no small task to write an entire draft of a novel in thirty days! Luckily, in this bonus episode Valerie is here with three proven strategies that to help you do just that. You don't need to follow all three, just pick one that works and go for it. Good luck!

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