Story Nerd

How do stories work?

Episode Summary

If you're writing a novel or memoir, you're writing a story. Sounds obvious, right? That may be, but most authors don't know how to tell a story that works. If you don't believe me check out the stats: 97% of the books sent to literary agents are rejected, of the books that get published 0.08% hit a bestseller list. Those who choose to self-publish can expect to pour thousands of dollars into advertising and sales dry up the second they stop promoting. But what if you knew how to write a story that works? Ah well, then readers will tell their friends about your book, and you're off to the races. -V

Episode Notes

If you're writing a novel or memoir, you're writing a story. Sounds obvious, right? That may be, but most authors don't know how to tell a story that works. If you don't believe me check out the stats: 97% of the books sent to literary agents are rejected, of the books that get published 0.08% hit a bestseller list. Those who choose to self-publish can expect to pour thousands of dollars into advertising and sales dry up the second they stop promoting. But what if you knew how to write a story that works? Ah well, then readers will tell their friends about your book, and you're off to the races. -V