Story Nerd

Eye in the Sky: wonderfully nuanced storytelling

Episode Summary

Eye in the Sky reminds me of the ‘greater good’ questions I discussed in class during high school - there’s no right or wrong answer but there are always consequences. This movie is an excellent example of how tension and escalating stakes combine with conflict triangles and narrative drive to create a compelling story. This isn’t an action movie but I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen for fear of missing something. Join us this week to discover how to craft stories that linger after the cover is closed. -M

Episode Notes

Eye in the Sky reminds me of the ‘greater good’ questions I discussed in class during high school - there’s no right or wrong answer but there are always consequences. This movie is an excellent example of how tension and escalating stakes combine with conflict triangles and narrative drive to create a compelling story. This isn’t an action movie but I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen for fear of missing something. Join us this week to discover how to craft stories that linger after the cover is closed. -M

“Eye in the Sky creates a fascinating amount of tension. It does this by setting up a situation at the beginning that has multiple courses of action and outcomes, and then it delays the decision until the last possible moment.” Melanie Hill

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