Story Nerd

Dorian Gray: what mick jagger said

Episode Summary

The Rolling Stone’s song ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want,’ is my earworm this season. This week, I started to pick apart how wants, needs and arcs are connected. Dorian Gray is a classic cautionary tale about selling your soul. Dorian arrives in London as a beautiful but naive young man and dies with a rotten and decrepit soul - he is unredeemable. Dorian gets what he wants, but he doesn’t get what he needs because there are no consequences for his actions. Understanding how wants, needs and character arcs is an essential story tool. Good exposition is invisible. Valerie highlights how exposition is masterfully delivered and where it fails. Exposition is all about information management - the what and the how. -M

Episode Notes

The Rolling Stone’s song ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want,’ is my earworm this season. This week, I started to pick apart how wants, needs and arcs are connected. Dorian Gray is a classic cautionary tale about selling your soul. Dorian arrives in London as a beautiful but naive young man and dies with a rotten and decrepit soul - he is unredeemable. Dorian gets what he wants, but he doesn’t get what he needs because there are no consequences for his actions. Understanding how wants, needs and character arcs is an essential story tool. Good exposition is invisible. Valerie highlights how exposition is masterfully delivered and where it fails. Exposition is all about information management - the what and the how. -M

“Understanding wants and needs is important for story arcs because they determine the protagonist’s motivations and actions.” Melanie Hill

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