Story Nerd

District 9: worldbuilding 101

Episode Summary

This is an episode you're going to want to bookmark because Melanie is offering up oodles of info about how to create a fictional world your readers will love. Yes, District 9 is science fiction, but the principles apply to all genres and all world types; contemporary, realistic, historical, name it. And Valerie continues her study of character development with a look at what can happen to your story when your reader empathizes more with the victim than the protagonist (hint: it's not good).

Episode Notes

This is an episode you're going to want to bookmark because Melanie is offering up oodles of info about how to create a fictional world your readers will love. Yes, District 9 is science fiction, but the principles apply to all genres and all world types; contemporary, realistic, historical, name it. And Valerie continues her study of character development with a look at what can happen to your story when your reader empathizes more with the victim than the protagonist (hint: it's not good).

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